Svante A Arrhenius
Lastname/org: | Arrhenius |
Firstname: | Svante |
Initial: | A |
Gender: | M |
Year, Birth: | 1859 |
Year, Death: | 1927 |
Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903
Nominee in 34 nominations:
- Physics 1901 by Adolf von Baeyer
- Physics 1901 by August Sundell
- Physics 1902 by Friedrich von Hefner-Alteneck
- Physics 1902 by August Sundell
- Physics 1902 by Jacobus van´t Hoff
- Physics 1903 by Christian Christiansen
- Physics 1903 by Friedrich von Hefner-Alteneck
- Physics 1903 by Edvard Hjelt
- Physics 1903 by Selim Lemström
- Physics 1903 by August Sundell
- Physics 1903 by Jacobus van´t Hoff
- Physics 1903 by Emil Warburg
- Chemistry 1901 by Johan Rosenberg
- Chemistry 1901 by Per Cleve
- Chemistry 1901 by Otto Pettersson
- Chemistry 1902 by Waldemar Brögger
- Chemistry 1902 by Heinrich Goldschmidt
- Chemistry 1902 by Thorstein Hiortdahl
- Chemistry 1902 by Johan Rosenberg
- Chemistry 1902 by Johan Vogt
- Chemistry 1903 by Carl Bergstrand
- Chemistry 1903 by Waldemar Brögger
- Chemistry 1903 by Per Cleve
- Chemistry 1903 by Emil Fischer
- Chemistry 1903 by Heinrich Goldschmidt
- Chemistry 1903 by Friedrich von Hefner-Alteneck
- Chemistry 1903 by Thorstein Hiortdahl
- Chemistry 1903 by Member of the Nobel Committee for chemistry
- Chemistry 1903 by Johan Rosenberg
- Chemistry 1903 by Karl von Than
- Chemistry 1903 by Jacobus van´t Hoff
- Chemistry 1903 by Johan Vogt
- Physiology or Medicine 1912 by E London
- Physiology or Medicine 1914 by E London
Nominator in 18 nominations:
- Physics 1901 for Philipp E.A. v. Lenard, Wilhelm Röntgen
- Physics 1902 for Pieter Zeeman
- Physics 1908 for Ernest Lord Rutherford
- Physics 1913 for Hermann Frahm
- Physics 1915 for Sir William Henry Bragg, Charles Darwin, Henry Moseley
- Physics 1915 for Henri Deslandres, George Hale
- Physics 1919 for Albert Einstein
- Physics 1927 for John Fleming, Sir Owen Richardson
- Chemistry 1907 for Ernest Lord Rutherford
- Chemistry 1908 for Ernest Lord Rutherford
- Chemistry 1909 for Wilhelm Ostwald
- Chemistry 1911 for Marie Curie
- Chemistry 1913 for Theodore Richards, Alfred Werner
- Chemistry 1914 for Theodore Richards
- Chemistry 1915 for Henry Moseley, Sir William Henry Bragg, Charles Darwin
- Chemistry 1920 for Jean Perrin, Theodor Svedberg
- Chemistry 1924 for Jean Perrin, Theodor Svedberg
- Chemistry 1927 for Heinrich Wieland, Adolf Windaus