Statutes concerning the award by the Swedish Academy

Statutes comprising special regulations concerning the award by the Swedish Academy of prizes from the Nobel Foundation etc., approved on 22 February 2002

§ 1
The right to nominate candidates for the prize competition shall be enjoyed by members of the Swedish Academy and of other academies, institutions and societies which are similar to it in construction and purpose; by professors of literature and of linguistics at universities and university colleges; by previous Nobel Prize laureates in literature and by presidents of those societies of authors that are representative of the literary production in their respective countries.

§ 2
To support the prize adjudication work of the Academy and its Nobel Committee there is a library, known as the Nobel Library of the Swedish Academy, whose officials are appointed by the Academy and for whose operations the Nobel Foundation shall provide funding.

§ 3
Those members of the Academy who are resident outside Stockholm are entitled, if they cannot attend in person, to send in voting papers for the election of trustees which it is incumbent on the Academy to hold in accordance with the Statutes of the Nobel Foundation. When decisions are to be made on questions referring to the awarding of prizes or the reservation of prizes, the members resident outside Stockholm who wish to take part in the decisions are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses, the amount of which shall be determined by the Academy.

§ 4
Proposals for amendments to these Statutes may be put forward by members of the Academy as well as by the Board of Directors of the Nobel Foundation. The opinion of the Nobel Committee is to be obtained before the Academy considers such a proposal.

Any proposal for amendment to the Statutes which has been approved by the Academy shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Nobel Foundation for consideration and confirmation. As provided by the Swedish Foundations Act, in certain cases an amendment may only occur with the permission of the National Board of Trade.

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MLA style: Statutes concerning the award by the Swedish Academy. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2025. Mon. 20 Jan 2025. <>