Nomination archive

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Showing rows 1 - 50 out of total 6338

Cat. Year Nominee  
Phy 1901 Philipp E.A. v. Lenard Show »
Phy 1901 Wilhelm Röntgen Show »
Phy 1901 Grenville Clark Show »
Phy 1902 Hendrik Lorentz Show »
Phy 1902 Hendrik Lorentz Show »
Phy 1902 Hendrik Lorentz Show »
Phy 1902 Hendrik Lorentz Show »
Phy 1912 Albert Einstein Show »
Phy 1912 Albert Einstein Show »
Phy 1915 George Hale Show »
Phy 1915 Thomas Edison Show »
Phy 1917 Petrus Debye Show »
Phy 1919 Percy Bridgman Show »
Phy 1923 Albert Einstein Show »
Phy 1923 Albert Einstein Show »
Phy 1923 Frederick Soddy Show »
Phy 1923 Kasimir Fajans Show »
Phy 1927 Victor Kaplan Show »
Phy 1930 Grigoriy Landsberg Show »
Phy 1930 Leonid Mandelshtam (Mandelstam) Show »
Phy 1930 Leonid Mandelshtam (Mandelstam) Show »
Phy 1935 Alexander Gurwitsch [Gurvitsch] Show »
Phy 1940 Jaroslav Heyrovský Show »
Phy 1940 Jaroslav Heyrovský Show »
Phy 1940 Jaroslav Heyrovský Show »
Phy 1940 Jaroslav Heyrovský Show »
Phy 1940 Jaroslav Heyrovský Show »
Phy 1946 Nuclear Scientists Show »
Phy 1947 Nuclear Scientists Show »
Phy 1950 Giuseppe Paolo Stanislao Occhialini Show »
Phy 1950 Giuseppe Paolo Stanislao Occhialini Show »
Phy 1953 Louis Leprince-Ringuet Show »
Phy 1953 Louis Leprince-Ringuet Show »
Phy 1954 Georges Lemaître Show »
Phy 1954 Louis Leprince-Ringuet Show »
Phy 1955 Louis Leprince-Ringuet Show »
Phy 1955 Louis Leprince-Ringuet Show »
Phy 1956 Horace Welcome Babcock Show »
Phy 1956 Jan Hendrick de Boer Show »
Phy 1956 Rolf Wideröe Show »
Phy 1957 Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby Show »
Phy 1957 Sergey Vavilov Show »
Phy 1958 William Hume-Rothery Show »
Phy 1959 Louis Néel Show »
Phy 1959 André Lallemand Show »
Phy 1960 Hans Albrecht Bethe Show »
Phy 1960 André Lallemand Show »
Phy 1960 Albert Overhauser Show »
Phy 1961 André Lallemand Show »
Phy 1961 André Lallemand Show »


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To cite this section
MLA style: Nomination Archive. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Tue. 21 May 2024. <>

Nobel Prizes and laureates

Eleven laureates were awarded a Nobel Prize in 2023, for achievements that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. Their work and discoveries range from effective mRNA vaccines and attosecond physics to fighting against the oppression of women.

See them all presented here.