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Showing rows 1 - 14 out of total 14

Cat. Year Nominee(s) Nominator(s)  
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Marie Curie Show »
Phy 1910 Henri Poincaré Marie Curie Show »
Phy 1956 Samuel Abraham Goudsmit
George Eugene Uhlenbeck
Hertha Sponer Show »
Phy 1960 Louis Néel Marie-Antoinette Tonnelat Show »
Phy 1960 Julian Schwinger
Richard Phillips Feynman
Sin-Itiro Tomonaga
Norman Foster Ramsey Show »
Phy 1964 Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst Anna Underhill Show »
Phy 1965 Alfred Kastler Marie-Antoinette Tonnelat Show »
Phy 1966 John Desmond Bernal Katharina Boll-Dornberger Show »
Phy 1966 Murray Gell-Mann Norman Foster Ramsey Show »
Phy 1966 Bernd Theodor Matthias Maria Goeppert-Mayer Show »
Phy 1967 Bernd Theodor Matthias Maria Goeppert-Mayer Show »
Phy 1970 Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Eleanor Margaret Burbidge Show »
Phy 1970 Paul Peter Ewald Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Show »
Phy 1970 Bernd Theodor Matthias Maria Goeppert-Mayer Show »

Note that if you search for gender, university, city and/or country, you search among the subset of nominations that contain this information. See the manual for more information


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To cite this section
MLA style: Nomination Archive. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Mon. 20 May 2024. <>

Nobel Prizes and laureates

Eleven laureates were awarded a Nobel Prize in 2023, for achievements that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. Their work and discoveries range from effective mRNA vaccines and attosecond physics to fighting against the oppression of women.

See them all presented here.