Nomination archive

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Showing rows 1 - 8 out of total 8

Cat. Year Nominee(s) Nominator(s)  
Med 1929 Otto Schöbl Proceso Gabriel Show »
Med 1929 Otto Schöbl Onofre Garcia Show »
Med 1929 Proceso Gabriel Dario Del Val Show »
Lit 1970 Amado Magcalas Yuzon Chung Tin-Wen Show »
Lit 1970 Amado Magcalas Yuzon Emeterio Barcelón y Barceló-Soriano Show »
Lit 1973 Amado Magcalas Yuzon Emeterio Barcelón y Barceló-Soriano Show »
Pea 1952 Carlos Romulo José Hernandez Show »
Pea 1967 United Poets Laureate International Angel Macapogal Show »

Note that if you search for gender, university, city and/or country, you search among the subset of nominations that contain this information. See the manual for more information


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To cite this section
MLA style: Nomination Archive. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Tue. 21 May 2024. <>

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