Solution Sessions

Nobel Prize Summit

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Each of these sessions focused on topics relating to the summit and are either hybrid and/or on-site. Here is a list of each event and scroll down for further information and registration:

  • Fighting disinformation
  • Regulate? Legislate? ACTIVATE!
  • Untold stories: youth initiatives to promote healthy information ecosystems in the global South
  • Trust in science: the importance of education in developing an evidence-based worldview
  • Deceptive design workshop
  • Mis- and disinformation in Latin America: the public, the media, the science
  • Wikipedia edit-a-thon
  • Scientific media literacy in K-12 education

Fighting disinformation

Hosted by Embassy of Sweden to the U.S. and The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab)

House of Sweden, 2900 K Street NW, Washington, DC

9:00-10:45am (EDT)
Watch the recording

As a part of this year’s Nobel Prize Summit, the Embassy of Sweden in Washington D.C. and the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab are co-hosting a discussion on disinformation. Having an awareness of how to identify, understand, and counteract adverse/malign information influence activities is becoming increasingly important. Influence campaigns have become more sophisticated and are used in both peacetime and in wartime. This affects the roles and responsibilities of authorities as well as individuals around the world. Information influence activities can disrupt the way our society functions by exploiting vulnerabilities and challenging the values that are fundamental to our way of life, such as democracy, rule of law, and human rights—ultimately endangering the life and health of our people. Safeguarding the democratic dialogue—the right to open debate, the right to arrive at one’s own opinions freely, and the right to free expression—is paramount, as we work to lay a solid foundation of resilience and inoculate our societies against information influence activities.Our panelistswill reflect on the importance of fighting disinformation, its underlying challenges, and its societal effects.

Moderator: Graham Brookie, Vice President and Senior Director, DFRLab


  • H.E. Karin Olofsdotter, Ambassador of Sweden to the United States
  • Martin Chalfie, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2008, Columbia University
  • Magnus Hjort, Director General, The Swedish Psychological Defence Agency
  • Rebekah Tromble, Director, Institute for Data, Democracy & Politics, George Washington University

Regulate? Legislate? ACTIVATE!

Hosted by PeaceTech Lab and the International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE)

9:00-10:00am (EDT)
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Regulators and legislators have been outnumbered, outspent, and outrun in the fight against misinformation, but we have yet to fully leverage the know-how and savviness of digital natives. Millennials & Gen Z are Generation PeaceTech, the first generation with a supercomputer in their pocket and the power of social media, do-it-yourself app makers, crowd-sourcing, satellite imagery and more to effect change. 

Join a panel of next generation leaders as they explore Generation PeaceTech, and a set of ideas for activating their power to turn good ideas into good policy. As the research and recommendations on what works best to combat misinformation grows, what tools can we use to ensure their adoption – before thousands more lives are lost around the world? 

Moderator: Michael Mort, Head of PBx Digital Lab, JPMorgan US Private Bank


  • Emma Lembke – Founder, Log Off
  • Bing Chen – Exec Chairman, CEO, & Co-Founder, Gold House
  • Daanish Alvi – Innovation, Co-Lead, Political and PeaceBuilding Affairs, United Nations
  • Tamara Nelson – CEO & Co-Founder, Barometer

Untold stories: youth initiatives to promote healthy information ecosystems in the global South

Hosted by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

UNDP Washington, DC Representation Office, 1775 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006 (Invitation-Only; Public Virtual Stream)

9:30-10:45am (EDT)
Watch the event

This important side event to the Nobel Prize Summit will raise awareness of a critical yet poorly financed development issue as it impacts countries outside of the United States and European Union. It will demonstrate the capacity and agency of young people to be part of the solution. And it will aim to answer the critical question: How can information integrity, as a fundamental driver of democracy, human rights, and development, be better integrated into wider development agendas and programmes. 

Moderator: Pedro Conceição, Director of the Human Development Report Office, UNDP


  • Alison Ramirez, Journalist, Ojo Publico, Brazil  
  • Dania Al Nasser, Co-founder, Wain Al Ghalt, Where is the mistake initiative, Jordan
    Dickson Matulula, CRS project Katoba Youth Climate Champions, Zambia 
  • Gisselle Wolozny, Director, El Milenio, Honduras
    Luisa Franco Machado, Digital Rights Activist, Brazil 
  • Marija Marbo, President, National Youth Council, North Macedonia 
  • Santosh Sigdel, Digital Rights Nepal, Nepal
    Wani Geoffrey, Team Leader AlertMe App, South Sudan
  • Zawad Alam, Founder & Team Lead, Project WE, Bangladesh

Trust in science: the importance of education in developing an evidence-based worldview

Hosted by National Academy of Sciences, Nobel Foundation, and Smithsonian Science Education Center

NAS Building, 2101 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington DC

10:00am-12:00pm (EDT):

Watch live recording

This session will address and discuss the importance of education to help society meet the increasing demands of navigating complex information in today’s environment and will examine why education systems must adapt to meet the demands of the future. The actors involved will come from both the formal and informal education sectors

Moderator: Carol O’Donnell, Director, Smithsonian Science Education Center, Smithsonian Institution


  • Welcome
  • Scientific Thinking for All: A new Curriculum for Critical Thinking
  • Smithsonian Science for Global Goals: Building Truth, Trust, and Hope in Science through Community-Based Transdisciplinary Learning
  • Student Video Showcase: Smithsonian Science for Global Goals
  • Panel Discussion: The Role of Transdisciplinary Education in The Development of an Evidence-Based Worldview


Marcia McNutt, National Academy of Sciences
Vidar Helgesen, Nobel Foundation
Carol O’Donnell, Smithsonian Science Education Center
Andreas Schleicher, OECD & PISA
Jonathan Osborne, Stanford University
Saul Perlmutter, Nobel Prize laureate, University of Berkeley, Critical Thinking Project
Laura Sprechmann, CEO of the Nobel Prize Outreach
Heidi Gibson, Smithsonian Science Education Center
Katherine Blanchard, Smithsonian Science Education Center
Anita Krishnamurthi, Board of Nobel Prize Outreach & Afterschool Alliance
Ann Friedman, Planet Word

Deceptive design workshop

Hosted by Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue and the Electronic Privacy Information Center, and the Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy, University of Cambridge

1519 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington DC (Invitation-Only; Public Virtual Stream)

10:00-10:45am (EDT)

The Organisation for Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), and the European Commission have recently published reports on the need for regulators to be given effective tools to crack down on illegal uses of deceptive design online. 

Join this workshop of experts to explore how lawmakers and regulators on both sides of the Atlantic are tackling the issue of deceptive design and explore how lessons learned on both shores can help provide global regulatory solutions.  

The workshop will be moderated by Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad from the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD). It will be based on the academic research of Dr. Ann Kristin Glenster from the Minderoo Centre of Technology and Democracy of the University of Cambridge. John Davisson from the Electronic Privacy Information Center will share some of EPIC’s experiences advocating for restrictions on deceptive design in the U.S.

Moderator: Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad, TACD


  • Ann Kristin Glenster, Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy, University of Cambridge 
  • John Davisson, Director of Litigation & Senior Counsel, Electronic Privacy Information Center
  • Harry Brignull, Head of Innovation at Smart Pension and Founder of
  • Kat Zhou, Senior Product Designer and Creator of <Design Ethically>
  • M.R. Leiser (Mark) Professor of Digital, Legal, and Platform Regulation at VU-Amsterdam and Legal Director of

Mis- and disinformation in Latin America: the public, the media, the science

Hosted by Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research
Location (Virtual)

10:00-11:00am (EDT)

Mis- and disinformation regarding scientific facts are widespread in social media, regular media and daily life around the world. In Latin America, there is limited research on the topic, and limited public and private resources are dedicated to understand mechanisms, counteract fake news and misleading information and provide related guidance or guidelines. This session highlights institutionalised efforts in the region challenging mis- and disinformation, such as “Questão de Ciência”, and knowledge on the particulars of anti-science information in different countries related to the causes and consequences of global environmental change.

Moderator: Jerónimo Giorgi, Director, Latinoamérica 21


Marco Schneider, Researcher, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict); Professor of Communication, Fluminense Federal University (UFF); Chair, International Center for Information Ethics; and Member, Brazilian Network to Combat Disinformation

Natalia Pasternak, science writer and communicator, President, Instituto Questão de Ciência; Senior Research Scholar, Center for Science and Society; Professor of Science Policy, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Columbia University; and Professor of Science Diplomacy, School of Public Administration, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil)

Empowering science diplomacy: emerging leadership across the Americas

Hosted by The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research

Location (Virtual) 1:00-2:30pm (EDT)

The active participation of future leaders, especially from the Global South, is essential in just and equitable evidence-informed-decision-making to address the complex challenges of global change. Fellows of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Science Technology and Policy (STeP) Program are redefining leadership in response to international and national institutions raising the need for more proactive and effective approaches to enhance the advisory role of science in governance and diplomacy. The aim is to improve the synthesis, uptake, and use of credible information (countering mis- and disinformation). This solution session brings together science diplomacy experts and IAI STeP fellows from across the Americas to share their recent experiences mobilising knowledge in diverse scientific fields, socioeconomic sectors, and tiers of government towards the common goal of increasing the provision of science advice and science diplomacy for sustainability in the Americas. This session will share the context in which this new model operates as an inclusive, transdisciplinary, transboundary, multisectorial learning experience for early career researchers to cultivate practical power skills and create an international science-policy community of practice.

Moderator: Kim Portmess, Science Technology and Policy (STeP) Fellowship Program Consultant, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research/Instituto Interamericano para la Investigación del Cambio Global (IAI)


  • Marcella Ohira, Deputy Executive Director, IAI
  • Larisse Faroni-Perez, IAI STeP Fellow; Presidente, Instituto Geração Oceano X (GOX); Fellow, Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (BPBES)
  • Fany Ramos Quispe, IAI STeP Fellow, Belmont Forum Secretariat, IAI STeP Fellow
  • Milagro Mainieri, Director of Innovation, Panama SENACYT
  • Representative Brazil Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation

Wikipedia edit-a-thon

Hosted by Wikimedia DC and Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust (ARTT)

Virtual 1:00-4:00pm (EDT)
Watch the recording

As the world’s largest online Encyclopedia, Wikipedia is often one’s first stop when seeking information. For this reason, it is vital that subject areas that the content shared there remain accurate and free of mis- and disinformation.

Wikimedia DC, an official chapter affiliate of Wikipedia and other projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, will facilitate an edit-a-thon with the goal of creating and improving Wikipedia content. Editors of all experience levels are invited to participate. 

New editors will learn about Wikipedia notability requirements, oversight practices, and basic editing functions.

In addition to learning how to edit Wikipedia, attendees will hear about the Analysis Responses Toolkit for Trust, an interactive tool that incorporates Wikipedia and other sources to help people engage in trust-building ways when discussing vaccine efficacy and other topics online.

Moderator: Ariel Cetrone, Institutional Partnerships Manager, Wikimedia District of Columbia

Scientific media literacy in K-12 Education

Hosted by Media Literacy Now

Virtual 1-2pm (EDT)
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Education is an essential part of the solution to a society that is prepared to resist misinformation of any type. Media literacy education is a method of teaching in which students learn critical thinking skills around media messages and information that comes from all sources, including news sources, movies, video games, websites, and social media. 

In this session, the audience will gain an understanding of what media literacy is and how it helps people to navigate the global media environment. Additionally, the speakers will:

  • Discuss the reason that K-12 education is essential to the solution, and the landscape of media literacy education today, and how policymakers are responding.
  • Examine the specific need for media literacy in K-12 science classes and specifics on how it works.
  • Examine barriers to implementing media literacy and progress in development of an alliance of stakeholders in science education and K-12 education in the US that will address those barriers.

Moderator: Alicia Haywood, Founder and Executive Director, The iSpeakMedia Foundation


  • Michael Spikes, Lecturer and Director, Teach for Chicago Journalism, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University
  • Katie Coppens, Award-winning science teacher at Falmouth Middle School, Maine
  • Erin McNeill, Founder and President, Media Literacy Now

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MLA style: Solution Sessions. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Fri. 25 Oct 2024. <>