Answers to the ‘Pair the poem to the poet’ game

Check out the answers to the game here.

Derek Walcott wrote A far cry from Africa
Read two poems by Walcott

T.S. Eliot wrote The hollow men

Wisława Szymborska wrote The three oddest words
Read a selection of poems by Szymborska

Pablo Neruda wrote Canto General
Read a selection of poems by Neruda

Louise Glück wrote Snowdrops
Read a selection of poems by Glück

Rabindranath Tagore wrote Where the mind is without fear

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Image credits
Louise Glück: © Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Daniel Ebersole.

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MLA style: Answers to the ‘Pair the poem to the poet’ game. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sat. 27 Jul 2024. <>