Philip W. Anderson

Curriculum Vitae


Birth Date: December 13, 1923, Indianapolis, Indiana.
B.S. summa cum laude Harvard, ’43;
MA ’47, PhD ’49, MA (Cantab) ’67.
M. 1947, Joyce Gothwaite, d. Susan Osborne b. 1948.
Naval Research Lab. 1943-5 (Chief Spec. X, USNR 1944-5) Bell Tel Labs. 1949-53, 1954-;
Memb. Tech. Staff to 1959, Dept. Head 1959-61, MTS 1961-74, Asst. Dir. 1974-76,
Consult. Dir. 1977-. Fulbright Lecturer, Tokyo, 1953-4;
Visiting Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge, 1961-2;
O.K. Buckley Prize A.P.S. 1964;
Am. Acad. A&S 1966, N.A.S. 1967;
Visiting Prof. Theor. Phys. U. of Cambridge 1967-75, Fellow Jesus College 1969-75;
Prof. of Physics, Princeton U. 1975-;
Dannie Heinemann Prize, Gottingen Acad. Sci. 1975.


Philip W. Anderson died on 29 March 2020.

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