Nobel Prize-awarded discoveries

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002

Linda Buck was fascinated by one seemingly simple question: how does our sense of smell work? Once she started to look for the answer, she didn’t let it go. She followed the olfactory process step by step to the very heart of what makes us human: our perceptions, preferences and memories.

Photo of Linda Buck in her lab

Linda Buck in her lab at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 2011.

Courtesy of Linda B. Buck

Women who changed science

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1977

Rosalyn Yalow became a physicist at a time when being a woman was a serious impediment to success. But succeed she did. With her research partner Solomon Berson, she made a transformative contribution to medical research: the radioimmunoassay.

Discover the story of a woman who changed science.

Rosalyn Yalow in her lab

Rosalyn Yalow in her lab at the Bronx VA Medical Center.

Courtesy of Benjamin Yalow

Nobel Prize laureates share their thoughts

Nobel Prize in Physics 2020

Anne L’Huillier is the fifth woman awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics. Here, she talks about her passion for science, how she deals with failure and what skills have been important in her career.

Anne L’Huillier in the lab

Anne L’Huillier in the lab.

Photo courtesy of European Research Council

Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2023

In this interview economic sciences laureate Claudia Goldin speaks about her decision to study the women’s labour market, how she maintains her focus and motivation and the best way to overcome obstacles.

Claudia Goldin with her diploma and medal

Claudia Goldin with her diploma and medal during a visit to the Nobel Foundation on 11 December 2023.

© Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Nanaka Adachi.

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022

”I wasn’t really fixed on science”

As a young girl Carolyn Bertozzi had a lot of different interests, but when she entered a college course in organic chemistry it changed her life: “I just fell in love with the subject.”

Watch the full interview

Remarkable women

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015

Nobel Prize laureate Tu Youyou turned to Chinese medical texts to find a traditional cure for malaria, ultimately extracting a compound – artemisinin – that has saved millions of lives. Read her story.

Tu Youyou

Tu Youyou, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015.

© Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018

With an ingenious idea and years of subsequent work, Frances Arnold turned bioengineering upside down. She pioneered the use of directed evolution to design enzymes, with applications as broad as they are essential, from drugs to renewable fuels.

Chemistry Laureate Frances Arnold in the laboratory

Chemistry laureate Frances Arnold in the laboratory

Photo kindly provided by Caltech

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1964

“Captured for life by chemistry and by crystals,” as she described it, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin turned a childhood interest in crystals into the ground-breaking use of X-ray crystallography to “see” the molecules of penicillin, vitamin B12 and insulin. Learn more about this remarkable woman.

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Photo from the Nobel Foundation archive.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2020

Andrea Ghez was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics “for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy.” In this interview she speaks about how her interest in science and the universe was sparked, what advice she would give to young researchers and why she loves being a scientist.

Andrea Ghez 06 NIRC Summit Credit Rick Peterson

Andrea Ghez next to the NIRC before it was decommissioned and brought down to the summit.

Credit: Rick Peterson/W. M. Keck Observatory

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1986

Many Nobel Prize laureates have often faced times of enormous disruption. Rita Levi-Montalcini faced many challenges on her road to the Nobel Prize. Born in Italy in 1909, her father did not believe in professional careers for women and did not let his daughters enroll at university. But Levi-Montalcini insisted on studying. The long road to the Nobel Prize included having to build a laboratory in her bedroom during World War II.

Rita Levi-Montalcini

Rita Levi-Montalcini

© Nobel Media

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2014

“I was not always the best student with the highest grades, but my teachers saw something in me and tried to encourage me.” Medicine laureate May-Britt Moser grew up in a small town on the west coast of Norway. Later, she would uncover one of the biggest mysteries of our brain – how we know where we are and how we navigate from one place to another.

May-Britt Moser in the laboratory

May-Britt Moser in the laboratory.

Photo: Geir Mo

Who did what?

Prize announcement dates

Nobel Prizes 2024

One-minute crash course

What does microRNA do?

How much do you know about the discoveries awarded the 2024 Nobel Prizes? Take our one-minute crash course on each of the prizes and find out how each have changed our world.

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Learn more about the Nobel Prizes with the ready-to-use Nobel Prize lessons. Watch the videos, look through the manual and slides, print the texts for students and start the class.

Two women smiling

© Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

Watch Nobel Minds

Watch six of the 2024 laureates talk about their research and careers in a unique roundtable discussion, Nobel Minds, moderated by BBC’s Zeinab Badawi.

Seven men and women sitting at a round tabel

Nobel Minds 2024.

© Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Clément Morin

Alfred Nobel


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In memoriam

Former US President Jimmy Carter passed away on 29 December 2024. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2002 “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development”.


Jimmy Carter

Chemist Martin Karplus passed away on 28 December 2024, aged 94. He was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry “for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems”.


Martin Karplus

Physicist Leon N. Cooper passed away on 23 October 2024. He was awarded the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physics “for their jointly developed theory of superconductivity, usually called the BCS-theory”.


Leon Neil Cooper