Terms of use


Nobel Prize Outreach provides this web site (the “Site”) primarily in support of the mission of the Nobel Foundation to spread information and knowledge about the Nobel Prize® and the Nobel Prize laureates.

Nobel Prize Outreach encourages you to use the Site as an educational, informational and research tool, subject to the specific terms and conditions of use (“Terms and Conditions of Use”) set forth here.

Acceptance of terms and conditions

By accessing this web site, you accept without limitation or qualification these Terms and Conditions of Use. Nobel Prize Outreach may revise these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, which revisions shall be binding on you.

If you just want to visit the Site in order to read, educate yourself or play the interactive games, please go ahead! These Terms and Conditions of Use are primarily applicable to persons with the intention of using the Site in another way than the activities mentioned or described in this document.

If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use, please exit the Site now and refrain from further use.


The names, titles, building images, trademarks, service marks and logos that appear on the Site are registered and unregistered marks of the Nobel Foundation, including but not limited to Nobel Prize®, the Nobel Prize medal® design mark, Nobelprize.org®, Nobel Prize Museum®, Nobelmuseet®, Nobel Prize Outreach® and Nobel Symposia® (collectively, the “Nobel Foundation trademarks”). The Nobel Foundation is most restrictive in permitting use of these trademarks, and you may not use the Nobel Foundation trademarks without prior written permission from the Nobel Foundation.

The trademarks of third parties may also appear on the Site from time to time; you may not use these trademarks without prior written permission of their respective owners. You acknowledge and agree that nothing on the Site grants, expressly or implicitly, any right or license to use any of the Nobel Foundation trademarks or may be construed to mean that Nobel Prize Outreach has authority to grant any right or license on behalf of any third party trademark owner. Nobel Prize Outreach assumes no responsibility for ascertaining whether such rights are valid or for securing such rights on your behalf. Beyond the credit lines that may be listed on the Site, Nobel Prize Outreach does not provide addresses, phone numbers, or other contact information for third party rights holders.


Everything, including but not limited to the articles, texts, photographs, images, data, files, audio and video clips, illustrations, designs, educational games and documentation in whole or in part (the “Content”) which appears on the Site is either proprietary to Nobel Prize Outreach or used in accordance with applicable law or third party consents.

You may not reproduce, distribute, display, transmit, modify, perform, adapt, generate derivative works or otherwise use the Content without prior written permission – if not expressly stated elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions of Use.

The following listed copyright protected material: photos of the laureates, other photos, the Nobel Prize diplomas, the Nobel Prize lectures, speeches and biographies – of which the Nobel Foundation is the proprietor – and the Nobel posters, of which a third party is the holder, are encompassed by special regulations.

Photos or images of the Nobel Prize medal

Permission to use an image or photo of a Nobel Prize medal is only granted if the image is going to be used as an illustration for an editorial text about Alfred Nobel, the Nobel Prize® or a laureate.

An image of the Nobel Prize medal may, however, not be used on the cover of books, booklets or other printed matter, on posters, in exhibitions etc, nor for publicity or commercial purposes.

If permission is granted, “®© The Nobel Foundation” must be indicated.

Other photos

For uses of other photos, permission from the Nobel Foundation, and in certain cases from the photographer, is required.

If permission is granted “© The Nobel Foundation” and the photographer must be indicated.

Nobel Prize diplomas

The artists and calligraphers of the Nobel Prize diplomas have granted the Nobel Foundation the rights to these materials.

If permission is granted “© The Nobel Foundation” and the specific artist and/or calligrapher must be indicated.

Nobel Prize lectures, speeches and biographies

To use or translate a Nobel Prize lecture, a presentation speech, a banquet speech or a biography, permission must be granted by the Nobel Foundation.

If permission is granted, “© The Nobel Foundation” and relevant year must be stated, the text correctly quoted and the author identified as the sole author of the text.

All Nobel Prize lectures, presentation speeches, banquet speeches and biographies are also published in the book series “Les Prix Nobel” and “Nobel Lectures.”

Requesting permission from the Nobel Foundation

To apply for permission to use any of the material listed above, please contact the Nobel Foundation or write to: The Nobel Foundation, P.O. Box 5232, SE-102 45 Stockholm, Sweden, fax +46 8 660 38 47.

Nobel posters

The copyrights for the Nobel posters in physics, chemistry and economic sciences belong to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Copyright for the Nobel posters in physiology or medicine belongs to the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine at Karolinska Institutet.

Permission from these bodies is required for use of the Nobel posters.

Other copyright protected work

You may not reproduce, distribute, display, transmit, modify, perform, adapt, generate derivative works or otherwise use other parts of the Content without the prior, written permission of Nobel Prize Outreach unless your use qualifies as:

  • Legislative exemption,
  • Speical permission for educators, or
  • Press releases

all of which are further described below.

Legal exemptions

Nobel Prize Outreach does not object to your reproduction, distribution, display, transmission, performance, and use of the Content if done in accordance with the Swedish Copyright Act (Upphovsrättslagen, SFS 1960:729) or other applicable limitations and exemptions laid forth in the Swedish Copyright Act and related laws.

Unless otherwise noted on the Site, Nobel Prize Outreach requires not express permission for use that falls within a legislative exemption, but two conditions apply:

  • No modifications may be made as to the integrity or attribution of the Content and
  • All copies of the Content must bear accurate identifying information, including proprietary information, credit lines, copyright (©), including relevant year when appropriate, and trademark (® or TM) notices, and a citation of the Site: http://www.nobelprize.org

Beyond legislative exemption: Special permission for educational use

This provision does not apply to corporations that produce, package, prepare, or sell educational materials for teachers and other educators.

Nobel Prize Outreach recognizes that not every educational use qualifies for a legislative exemption. In order to further support the work of teachers and other educators, in accordance with Nobel Prize Outreach’s own educational mission, Nobel Prize Outreach therefore consents to the following additional uses of this Site:

Subject specifically to the rights of third parties (which are entirely the responsibility of the user), Nobel Prize Outreach consents to the reproduction, distribution, display, transmission, performance, and use of the Content by individual teachers and other educators if done for the limited purpose of classroom or workshop instruction (including online intranet instruction) in a school or other educational organization; provided, however, said organization is a not-for-profit legal entity and provided, further, that the Content and compilation are not sold or otherwise commercially distributed.

Unless otherwise noted on the Site, Nobel Prize Outreach requires no express permission for a limited educational exemption, but to conditions apply:

  • No modifications may be made as to the integrity or attribution of the Content; and
  • All copies of the Content must bear accurate identifying information, including proprietary collection information, credit lines, copyright (©), including relevant year if appropriate, and trademark notices (® or TM), and a citation of the Site: http://www.nobelprize.org.

Press releases

Except where noted otherwise, press releases that appear on this Site may be downloaded, reproduced and published (and in the case of text-based materials, translated) by members of the press.

You are not allowed to use the Nobel Foundation trademarks when publishing or using press releases.

Nobel Week Dialogue

If you wish to attend, please note the following:

In order to attend you must have not only completed the registration process but also received a confirmation email.

Nobel Prize Outreach will not share any of your personal information with third parties; however we reserve the right to share your personal information if we are legally obligated to do so.

By registering to attend as an audience member, you agree to receive periodic email updates regarding event details, reminders and changes to the event programme in the lead up to the 9th December event as well as periodic email information about other similar activities.

By registering to attend as an audience member, you agree to receive a text alert to your mobile (first) to update you regarding registering for specific afternoon discussion panel preferences closer to the event, and (second) to remind you, a week prior to the event.

Nobel Prize Outreach retains the right to ask attendees to leave for any reason and at any time during the Nobel Week Dialogue.

By registering to attend the Nobel Week Dialogue as an audience member, you understand that you have no recourse to public funds or private scholarship; all costs incurred to attend the event are your responsibility.

The Nobel Week Dialogue, or parts of it, will be broadcast in different ways and on different media, and by attending Nobel Week Dialogue in person you may be captured on camera and/or film. If you do not want to be captured on camera and/or film, you cannot attend the conference.

Further, Nobel Prize Outreach has the right, but not the obligation, to edit any film or recording from the Nobel Week Dialogue.

Nobel Prize Outreach shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from any change in the Nobel Week Dialogue, its programme, the date or the involvement of particular speakers or delegates, or from the cancellation of the Nobel Week Dialogue for whatever reason.

Lectures and discussions

To use or translate a presentation speech, a lecture, a discussion or a biography, permission must be granted by Nobel Prize Outreach.

If permission is granted is granted, “© Nobel Prize Outreach” and relevant year must be stated, the text correctly quoted and the author(s) identified.

Requesting permission from Nobel Prize Outreach

If your proposed use of the Site Content does not meet the conditions stated above, you must request and obtain express permission in writing from Nobel Prize Outreach. Please be advised that Nobel Prize Outreach is selective in granting such permission, and when Nobel Prize Outreach does grant permission Nobel Prize Outreach generally imposes a fee. All fees collected by Nobel Prize Outreach are used to further Nobel Prize Outreach’s educational programs and other non-profit missions.

To apply for permission, please send an e-mail or write to: Nobelprize.org, Nobel Prize Outreach AB, Box 5232, SE-102 45, Sweden,
fax +46 8 663 27 69.

Commercial use

Commercial Use of the Nobel Foundation trademarks and other Site Content is expressly prohibited. You must therefore request and obtain express permission in writing from the Nobel Foundation or Nobel Prize Outreach. Please be advised that the Nobel Foundation and Nobel Prize Outreach are selective in granting such permission.

Reservation of rights

All rights not expressly granted by Nobel Prize Outreach herein are specifically and completely reserved. Nothing on the Site or in these Terms and Conditions of Use grants, expressly or implicitly, any right or license to use any Content or property of any third party, or may be construed to mean that Nobel Prize Outreach has authority to grant any right or license on behalf of any third party.


Nobel Prize Outreach has created and compiled the Site with careful regard for accuracy and integrity of scholarship. Nobel Prize Outreach believes that the context in which Nobel Prize Outreach presents material is important to understanding it, and Nobel Prize Outreach will improve, modify, enhance and expand the Site on a continuous basis. Thus, while Nobel Prize Outreach recognizes that the digital nature of the Site may allow you to use subsets of this material, Nobel Prize Outreach urges you to consider the complete context for maximum appreciation and accuracy.

Links to this site

Nobel Prize Outreach appreciates the interest of others in linking to this Site. If you arrive at Nobel Prize Outreach’s Site from a third party link, please note that a link to this Site does not imply a relationship with, or endorsement of, the third party site or its content, purpose, policies or business practices. Nobel Prize Outreach appreciates being informed of such links.

If you are interested in providing a link from your site to this Site, please note the following rules:

  • You may use the name “Nobelprize.org” to identify the link;
  • You may not use the Nobelprize.org logo or any other Nobel related logo or image without the express written permission of Nobel Prize Outreach. These are reserved for entities that are professionally associated or affiliated with us;
  • You are not allowed to include Content from Nobelprize.org into other websites using frames or similar techniques, or by using page elements from Nobelprize.org.
  • You are allowed to link to complete html pages on Nobelprize.org and not directly to images, videos, games, etc. that display the Content out of its context.
  • You are allowed to insert iFrame widgets supported by Nobelprize.org. You are not allowed to alter the original Content. Nobel Prize Outreach provides these iFrame widgets as a convenience for you, but is not responsible for the content on the referring Site or Application.

Links from this site

In using the Site, you may find that Nobel Prize Outreach provides links to one or more third party web sites (the “Linked Site[s]”). Nobel Prize Outreach provides these links as a convenience for you and other users, but is not responsible for the content or links of the linked Site(s). In most instances, such links represent cooperative projects or endeavors established with Nobel Prize Outreach’s business affiliates, allies, sponsors, licensees, artists, organizations and/or other persons who have a significant connection to Nobel Prize Outreach’s mission and programs. Although Nobel Prize Outreach expects such links to be reputable, relevant and reliable, Nobel Prize Outreach does not actively monitor or control the content or links of the Linked Sites, which may continuously change.

Nobel Prize Outreach encourages you to read the terms and conditions and similar policies of the respective Linked Sites, should you choose to visit them. A link from this Site does not imply a relationship with, or endorsement of, the Linked Site(s) or its/their content, purpose, policies, or business practices.


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Disclaimer of warranties

Nobel Prize Outreach provides the Site on an “AS IS” basis. Your use of the Site and its Content is at your own risk. Nobel Prize Outreach disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, copyright ownership and/or non-infringement of copyrights or other third party proprietary rights. Nobel Prize Outreach does not warrant that the Site will provide continuous, prompt, secure or error-free service.

Nobel Prize Outreach makes reasonable, ongoing efforts to revise and update the Site but assumes no liability for any errors or omissions, including inaccuracy of Content, or for any damages or losses that you or any third party may incur as a result of the unavailability of the Site. Nobel Prize Outreach assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to or viruses that may affect your computer equipment or other property arising from your use of the Site, including but not limited to the reproduction of the Content.

Limitation of liability

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Choice of law

These Terms and Conditions of Use and any counterparts, amendments or revisions thereto shall be governed and construed in accordance with Swedish Law without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. Any case, controversy, suit, action or proceeding arising out of, in connection with or related to this agreement shall be brought in the District Court of Stockholm (Stockholms Tingsrätt), and you hereby waive any objection that you may have to personal jurisdiction in this court.

To cite this section
MLA style: Terms of use. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Tue. 22 Oct 2024. <https://www.nobelprize.org/organization/terms-of-use/>