José Ramos-Horta


José Ramos-Horta, born December 26, 1949 in Dili, East Timor. Single with one son. Catholic. Living in Lisbon and Sydney.
Current positions
Special Representative of the National Council of Maubere Resistance of East Timor.
CNRM is a non-partisan supreme national body based inside East Timor comprising all East Timorese nationalist political forces and resistance groups.
Coordinator, East Timorese Resistance Diplomatic Front Coordinating Commission.
Executive Director, Lecturer Diplomacy Training Program, Law Faculty, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Expert, International Service for Human Rights, Geneva.
Past positions
Minister of External Relations and Information, first provisional government of East Timor, prior to Indonesian invasion in 1975.
Permanent Representative to the United Nations for the East Timorese independence movement from 1975 onwards for over a decade.
Major fora addressed
UN Security Council, Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly, UN Special Committee on Decolonisation, UN Commission on Human Rights, Council on Foreign Relations, European Parliament, etc.
Academic curriculum, writings, awards
Fellow, International Relations, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford.
Master in Peace Studies, Antioch University, USA.
Attended the Hague Academy of International Law.
Attended the International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg.
Author of Funu: The Unfinished Saga of East Timor (200 pp), Red Sea Press, Trenton NJ (1987); TIMOR Amanha em Dili (386 pp), Dom Quixote (1994); 0st-Timor(264 pp) Aventura, Oslo (1966).
Recipient of Professor Thorolf Rafto 1993 Human Rights Prize.
Recipient Gleitzman Foundation Award 1995.
Recipient of UNPO Award 1996.
Tetun (native language), Portuguese (official), French, English, Spanish.

From Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 1996, Editor Tore Frängsmyr, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 1997

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1996

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