Masatoshi Koshiba


Curriculum Vitae

Name: KOSHIBA, Masatoshi.
Date/Place of Birth: September 19, 1926/Toyohashi city, Aichi Pref., Japan.
Nationality: Japanese.
Marital status: Married to Kyoko KATO on October 5, 1959, in Tokyo.
Permanent address: 4-11-7 Shimoigusa, Suginami, Tokyo 167-0022 Japan.
Tel/Fax: 81-3-3396-6868,
e-mail: [email protected].
Mar. 1951: Graduated from University of Tokyo, physics major.
Apr. ’51 to Mar. ’53: Graduate School, University of Tokyo.
Sep. ’53 to Jun. ’55: Graduate School, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.
Received Ph.D in physics: Thesis on Ultra-High- Energy Phenomena in Cosmic Rays.
Academic appointments
Jul. ’55 to Feb. ’58: Research Associate, Department of Physics, University of Chicago.
Mar. ’58 to Oct. ’63: Associate Professor, Institute of Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo.
Nov. ’59 to Aug. ’62: on leave from the above, Senior Research Associate with the honorary rank of Associate Professor and the Acting Director, Laboratory of High Energy Physics and Cosmic Radiation, Department of Physics, University of Chicago.
Nov. ’63 to Feb. ’70: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo.
Mar. ’70 to Mar. ’87: Professor in the same institution as above.
June. ’74 to Mar. ’76; Director, Laboratory of High Energy Physics.
Apr. ’76 to Mar. ’84; Director Laboratory for International Collaboration on Elementary Particle Physics.
Apr. ’84 to Mar. ’87; Director, International Center for Elementary Particle Physics.
Apr. ’87 to Aug. ’87: Visiting Professor at DESY and University of Hamburg.
Aug. ’87 to Mar. ’97: Professor, Tokai University.
Sep. ’87 to Aug. ’88; Guest Professor, CERN, Sep. ’89 to Dec. ’89; Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Chicago. Feb. ’90; Regent Lecturer, University of California, Riverside, Jan. to Mar. ’94; Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar, California Institute of Technology. Apr. ’95 to Mar. ’97; Director, Washington Liaison Office, Japan Society for Promotion of Science. Sep. ’96 to Mar. ’97; Distinguished Visiting Scholar, George Washington University.
Jul. ’98 to Aug. ’99: Alexander von Humboldt Preisträger staying at DESY in Hamburg, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg, and Max-Planck Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching.
Present Councilor, International Center for Elementary particle Physics, The University of Tokyo.
Important publications “Observation of a Neutrino Burst from the Supernova SN1987a” Phys. Rev. Lett., 58 (1987) 1490.
“Results from One Thousand Days of Real Time, Directional Solar Neutrino Data; Kamiokande-II Collaboration”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 65 (1990) 1297.
Honors and Prizes
Aug. ’85: Das Grosse Verdienstskreuz from the President of Federal Republic of Germany.
Dec. ’87: The Nishina Prize from the Nishina Foundation.
Jan. ’88: The ASAHI Prize from the ASAHI Press.
Nov. ’88: The Order of Culture by the Japanese Government.
Jun. ’89: The Academy Award from the Academy of Japan.
Jun. ’89: The Bruno Rossi Award from the American Physical Society.
Aug. ’96: The Special Prize from the European Physical Society.
Mar. ’97: The Alexander von Humboldt Prize from the Humboldt Foundation.
Jun. ’97: The Fujiwara Prize from the Fujiwara Science Foundation.
Nov. ’97: The Order of Cultural Merit conferred by The Emperor of Japan in person.
Jan. ’99: The second ASAHI Prize from the ASAHI Press.
Jan. ’99: The Diploma di Perfezionamento honoris causa in Fisica from The Scuola Normale Superiole, Pisa, Italy.
Jul. ’99: Doktor der Naturwissenschaften ehrenhalber from Hamburg University.
May ’00: Rochester’s Distinguished Scholar Award from the University of Rochester.
May ’00: The Wolf Prize from The State President of Israel.
Jun. ’00: Citation by the Town of Kamioka.
Aug. ’00: Citation by the Governor of Gifu Prefecture.
Apr. ’02: Panofsky Prize from American Physical Society.
Dec. ’02: Nobel Prize in Physics.
Dec. ’02: Member, The Japan Academy.

Masatoshi Koshiba died on 12 November 2020.

From Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 2002, Editor Tore Frängsmyr, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 2003

This CV was written at the time of the award and later published in the book series Les Prix Nobel/Nobel Lectures. The information is sometimes updated with an addendum submitted by the Laureate. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2002

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