Mikhail Sholokhov


Works in Russian
Aleshkino serdtse. – Moskva : Gos. izd-vo, 1925
Protiv chernogo znameni. – Moskva : Gos. izd-vo, 1925
Nakhalenok. – Moskva : Gos. izd-vo, 1925
Krasnogvardeitsy. – Moskva : Gos. izd-vo, 1925
Dvukhmuzhniaia. – Moskva : Gos. izd-vo, 1925
Donskie rasskazy. – Moskva : Novaia Moskva, 1926
Lazorevaia step’. – Moskva : Novaia Moskva, 1926
O Kolchake, krapive i prochem. – Moskva : Gos. izd-vo, 1927
Chervotochina. – Moskva : Gos. izd-vo, 1927
Tikhii Don. – Moskva, 1928-1940. – 4 vol.
Podniataia tselina. – Moskva : Federatsiia, 1932
Kazaki. – Piatigorsk: Ordzhonikidzevskoe kraevoe izd-vo, 1941
Na Donu. – Rosizdat, 1941
Na iuge. – Moskva : Voenizdat, 1942
Nauka nenavisti. – Moskva : Voenizdat, 1942
Oni srazhalis’ za rodinu. – Moskva : Voennoe izdatel’stvo narodnogo komissariata oborony, 1943-1944
Slovo o rodine. – Moskva : Pravda, 1948
Svet i mrak. – Rostov : Rostizdat, 1949
Ne uiti palacham ot suda narodov. – Moskva : Pravda, 1948
Podniataia tselina. – [2]. – Moskva : Pravda, 1955-1960
Sbornik statei. – Leningrad : Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1956
Sud’ba cheloveka. – Moskva : Pravda, 1957
Rannie rasskazy. – Moskva : Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1961
Po veleniu dushi : stat’i, ocherki, vvstupleniia, dokumenty. – Moskva : Molodaia gvardiia, 1970
Rossiia v serdtse. – Moskva : Sovremennik, 1975
Zhivaia sila realizma. – Moskva : Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1983
Zemle nuzhnye molodye ruki. – Moskva : Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1983
Rasskazy. – Leningrad : Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1983
Proza i publitsistika o voine. – Moskva : Sovremennik, 1985
Translations into English
Tales from the Don / translated by H. C. Stevens. – London : Putnam, 1961
And Quiet Flows the Don / translated by Stephen Garry. – Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1930
The Soil Upturned / translated by Stephen Garry ; edited by Albert Lewis. – Moscow : Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the U.S.S.R., 1934. – Republished as The Virgin Soil Upturned. – London : Putnam, 1935. – Republished as Seeds of Tomorrow. – New York : Knopf, 1935
The Don Flows Home to the Sea / translated by Stephen Garry. – New York : Knopf, 1941
Hate. – Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1942. – Content: Hate ; Down south
Harvest on the Don / translated by H. C. Stevens. – London: Putnam, 1960
Early Stories / translated by Robert Daglish and Yelena Altshuler. – Moskva : Progress, 1966
One Man’s Destiny and Other Stories : Articles, and Sketches, 1923-1963 / translated by H. C. Stevens. – London : Putnam, 1966
Fierce and Gentle Warriors : Three Stories. – Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1967
At the Bidding of the Heart : Essays, Sketches, Speeches, Papers / translated by Olga Shartse. – Moscow : Progress, 1973
Collected Works in Eight Volumes / translated by Robert Daglish. – 8 vol. – Moscow : Raduga, 1984
Critical studies (a selection)
Bearne, C. G., Sholokhov. – Edinburgh, 1969
Žuravleva, Anna, & Kovaleva, Aleksandra, Michail Šolochov. – Moskva : Prosvešcěnie, 1975
Sofronov, Anatolij, Meetings with Sholokhov. – Moskva : Progress Publ., 1985
Kuznecov, Feliks, “Tichij Don” : sudba i pravda velikogo romana. – Moskva : Narodnaja kniga, 2005

The Swedish Academy, 2006

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MLA style: Mikhail Sholokhov – Bibliography. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sun. 27 Oct 2024. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/1965/sholokhov/bibliography/>

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