Pablo Neruda
Works in Spanish |
Crepusculario. – Santiago : Claridad, 1923 |
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada. – Santiago : Nascimento, 1924 |
Tentativa del hombre infinito. – Santiago : Nascimento, 1926 |
Anillos / Pablo Neruda, Tomás Lago. – Santiago : Nascimento, 1926 |
El habitante y su esperanza. – Santiago : Nascimento, 1926 |
El hondero entusiasta. – Santiago : Empresa Letras, 1933 |
Residencia en la tierra : 1925-1931. – Santiago : Nascimento, 1933 |
Residencia en la tierra : 1925-1935. – Enl. ed. – Madrid : Cruz & Raya, 1935 . – 2 vol. |
España en el corazón. – Santiago : Ercilla, 1937 |
Las furias y las penas. – Santiago : Nascimento, 1939 |
Canto general de Chile : Fragmentos. – Mexico City : Privately published, 1943 |
Tercera residencia : 1935-1945. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1947 |
Alturas de Macchu Picchu. – Santiago : Librería Neira, 1947 |
Canto general. – Mexico City : Talleres Gráficos de la Nación, 1950 |
Los versos del capitán. – Napol : Naples: L’Arte Tipografica, 1952 |
Las uvas y el viento. – Santiago : Nascimento, 1954 |
Odas elementales. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1954 |
Nuevas odas elementales. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1956 |
Obras completas. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1957. – Enl. ed. 1962, 2 vol. – Enl. ed. 1967. – Enl. ed. 1973, 3 vol. |
Tercer libro de las odas. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1957 |
Estravagario. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1958 |
Navegaciones y regresos. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1959 |
Cien sonetos de amor. – Santiago : Editorial Universitaria, 1959 |
Canción de gesta. – Havana : Casa de las Américas, 1960 |
Las piedras de Chile. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1961 |
Cantos ceremoniales. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1961 |
Plenos poderes. – Buenos Aires Losada, 1962 |
Memorial de Isla Negra. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1964. – 5 vol. |
Arte de pájaros. – Santiago : Sociedad de Amigos del Arte Contemporáneo, 1966 |
Una casa en la arena. – Barcelona : Lumen, 1966 |
Fulgor y muerte de Joaquín Murieta : bandido chileno injusticiado en California el 23 de julio de 1853. – Santiago : Zig-Zag, 1967 |
La barcarola. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1967 |
Las manos del día. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1968 |
Fin de mundo. – Santiago : Sociedad de Arte Contemporáneo, 1969 |
Aún. – Santiago : Nascimento, 1969 |
Maremoto. – Santiago : Sociedad de Arte Contemporáneo de Santiago, 1970 |
La espada encendida. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1970 |
Las piedras del cie. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1970 |
Geografía infructuosa. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1972 |
Incitación al nixonicidio y alabanza de la revolución chilena. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1973 |
La rosa separada. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1973 |
El mar y las campanas. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1973 |
Jardín de invierno. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1974 |
2000. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1974 |
El corazón amarillo. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1974 |
Libro de las preguntas. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1974 |
Elegía. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1974 |
Defectos escogidos. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1974 |
Confieso que he vivido. – Barcelona : Seix Barral, 1974 |
Cartas a Laura. – Madrid : Ediciones Cultura Hispánica del Centro Iberoamericano de Cooperación, 1978 |
Para nacer he nacido. – Barcelona : Seix Barral, 1978 |
El río invisible : poesía y prosa de juventud. – Barcelona : Seix Barral, 1980 |
Cuadernos de Temuco : 1919-1920 / edición y prólogo de Víctor Farías. – Buenos Aires : Seix Barral, 1996 |
Yo acuso : discursos parlamentarios (1945-1948) / edición a cargo de Leonidas Aguirre Silva. – Bogotá : Editorial Oveja Negra, 2002 |
Works in English |
Residence on Earth, and Other Poems / translated by Angel Flores. – Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1946 |
Elementary Odes / translated by Carlos Lozano. – New York : Gaetano Massa, 1961 |
The Heights of Macchu Picchu / translated by Nathaniel Tarn. – New York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1966 |
Poems from the Canto General / translated by Ben Belitt. – New Yor k: Racolin, 1968 |
A New Decade : Poems, 1958-1967 / edited, with an introduction, by Ben Belitt, translated by Belitt and Alastair Reid. – New York : Grove, 1969 |
Pablo Neruda : The Early Poems / translated by David Ossman and Carlos B. Hagen. – New York : New Rivers, 1969 |
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair / translated by W. S. Merwin. – London : Cape, 1969 |
The Captain’s Verses / translated by Donald Walsh. – New York : New Directions, 1972 |
Extravagaria / translated by Alistair Reid. – London: Cape, 1972 |
New Poems (1968-1970) / edited and translated, with an introduction, by Ben Belitt. – New York : Grove, 1972 |
Splendor and Death of Joaquin Murieta / translated by Ben Belitt. – New York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972 |
Five Decades : A Selection : Poems, 1925-1970 / edited and translated by Ben Belitt. – New York: Grove, 1974 |
Toward the Splendid City : Nobel Lecture. – New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1974 |
Fully Empowered / translated by Alistair Reid. – New York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975 |
Pablo Neruda : A Basic Anthology / selected, with an introduction, by Robert Pring-Mill. – Oxford : Dolphin, 1975 |
Song of Protest / translated, with an introduction, by Miguel Algarín. – New York : Morrow, 1976 |
Memoirs / translated by Hardie St. Martin. – New York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1977 |
Call for the Destruction of Nixon and Praise for the Chilean Revolution / translated by Teresa Anderson. – Cambridge, Mass. : West End, 1980 |
Isla Negra : A Notebook / translated by Alistair Reid. – New York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1981 |
Passions and Impressions / translated by Margaret Sayers Peden. – New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1982 |
Elegy / translated by Jack Hirschman. – San Francisco : David Books, 1983 |
Still Another Day / translated by William O’Daly. – Port Townsend, Wash. : Copper Canyon, 1984 |
Art of Birds / translated by Jack Schmitt. – Austin : University of Texas Press, 1985 |
A Separate Rose / translated by William O’Daly. – Port Townsend, Wash. : Copper Canyon, 1985 |
One Hundred Love Sonnets / translated by Stephen Tapscott. – Austin : University of Texas Press, 1986 |
The Stones of Chile / translated by Dennis Maloney. – Fredonia, N.Y. : White Pine, 1986 |
Winter Garden / translated by William O’Daly. – Port Townsend, Wash. : Copper Canyon, 1986 |
Stones of the Sky / translated by James Nolan. – Port Townsend, Wash. : Copper Canyon, 1987 |
The House at Isla Negra : Prose Poems / translated by Dennis Maloney and Clark M. Zlotchew . – Fredonia, N.Y. : White Pine, 1988 |
Late and Posthumous Poems, 1968-1974 / edited and translated by Ben Belitt. – New York: Grove, 1988 |
The Sea and the Bells / translated by William O’Daly. – Port Townsend, Wash. : Copper Canyon, 1988 |
Seaquake / translated by Maria Jacketti and Dennis Maloney. – Fredonia, N.Y. : White Pine, 1990 |
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda / translated, with an introduction, by Margaret Sayers Peden. – Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990 |
The Yellow Heart / translated by William O’Daly. – Port Townsend, Wash. : Copper Canyon, 1990 |
The Book of Questions / translated by William O’Daly. – Port Townsend, Wash. : Copper Canyon, 1991 |
Canto General. – Fiftieth Anniversary Edition / translated by Jack Schmitt. – Berkeley : University of California Press, 1991 |
Odes to Common Things / selected by Ferris Cook, translated by Ken Krabbenhoft. – Boston : Little, Brown, 1994 |
Ceremonial Songs : Cantos ceremoniales / translated by Maria Jacketti. – Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1996 |
2000 / translated by Richard Schaaf. – Falls Church, Va. : Azul Editions, 1997 |
Fully Empowered / translated from the Spanish and with an introduction by Alastair Reid. – New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001 |
On the Blue Shore of Silence : Poems of the Sea = A la orilla azul del silencio / English translations by Alastair Reid. – New York : Rayo, 2003 |
The Poetry of Pablo Neruda / edited and with an introduction by Ilan Stavans. – New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003 |
Memoirs / translated from the Spanish by Hardie St. Martin. – London : Souvenir Press, 2004 |
The Essential Neruda : selected poems / edited by Mark Eisner. – San Francisco : City Lights Books, 2004 |
Critical studies (a selection) |
Rodríguez Monegal, Emir, l viajero inmóvil : introducción a Pablo Neruda. – Buenos Aires : Losada, 1966 |
Alonso, Amado, Poesía y estilo de Pablo Neruda : Interpretación de una poesía hermética. – Buenos Aires : Sudamericana, 1968 |
Villegas, Juan, Estructuras míticas y arquetipos en el “Canto General” de Neruda. – Barcelona, cop. 1976 |
Skármeta, Antonio, El cartero de Neruda. – Barcelona : Plaza y Janés, 1996 |
Méndez-Ramírez, Hugo, Neruda’s Ekphrastic Experience : Mural Art and Canto general. – Lewisburg, Pa. : Bucknell University Press, 1999 |
Feinstein, Adam, Pablo Neruda : a Passion for Life. – London : Bloomsbury, 2004 |
The Swedish Academy, 2006
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